Tech Stack

Front End: HTML, CSS, JS | Backend: Python, PHP, Java | Frameworks: Vue.JS, Flask, Springboot | Database: SQL, Mongo Cloud: AWS, GCP | Prototyping: Figma, Axure

Programming Projects

Technical Documentation

From experience as a student, we often have to figure out how to make things work. With the aim to ease this burden, I am in the process of documenting the different steps and approaches I have taken to make specific components work. These components come from a various range of projects and would cover the process from development to deployment. This is a current work in process. But feel free to take a look here

Dialogic Academy

Commisioned project for a debate coaching and public speaking start up. Involved from the ideation to execution. Built and deployed on

Battle Frontier

It is a Pokemon Card marketplace built on a microservice infrastructure. This is a full-stack project involving HTML, CSS, JS, bootstrap, and Jquery for frontend, Flask on the backend with SQL for the database. The project involved us building the web-based application and deploy it locally. We made use of HTTP and AMQP for interaction between the microservices and use the Paypal API Sandbox to facilitate our payment transactions.


A front-end project built on Vue.JS and node.JS. The project was aimed at being an all-in-one platform for students supporting a job search portal using Google API, to-do lists, and course planning functions.

Enterprise Solution Management Project

This is a PaaS support project. This project did not involve much coding however we were tasked with maintaining an IT solution as a support team. We deployed the application on AWS using an EC2 image and implemented auto-scaling, RDS, load balancing, a domain, and additional security measures. We simulated an IT support life cycling from change to incident to disaster management.

Design Projects


Kid-friendly version of zoom designed on Axure RP 9. The project was built using the design thinking process where we identified a problem, ideated, and created a low-fi prototype. Then reinterred and created a high-fi prototype which we then measured against the 10 Heuristics and tested on loop 11 for user feedback.

Trim & Prim

Re-envisioned online tailoring process. Prototype built on Axure RP where we reimagined the business of C. Armani Tailors. We built this prototype intending to digitalize the tailoring process by having it done online. Our project was completed with the consultation of Mr. Jeetu the tailor and tested using Loop11 for feedback on the feasibility of the prototype.

Beyond Tech ~ whoami?

To be honest, I'm a mixed bag of randomness. I like seeking out "adventure" and try out new things. I love traveling and have tried out solo trips to the UAE and US during my gap year (2018-2019). Though due to Covid such traveling urges have currently been put to a stop. To make up for it, I do try to get my friends to go on hikes with me around Singapore ~ lowkey tired of Pula Ubin as I've been there approximately 4 times within 1 month. Besides trekking, I do swim and cycle quite consistently.

I am also a big bookworm and love reading spy and thriller books (with a soft spot for romance). Authors I tend to deviate towards are James Patterson and Cecilia Ahern. I am also a big fan of movies with meaningful storylines which traverses a large range of movie genres ranging from cartoons (big fan of Disney) to thrillers, though horror movies are a big no-no. You can find an animation piece I did with some friends back in secondary school here.

I am a keen learner and even if I do not pick up material as fast as others I make it up with time and effort. I've been described as a hustler working my way through life just as I have learned from my parents who are first-generation immigrants.

I love meeting and working with people of various ages and backgrounds and thus find it quite easy to find a pace to fit in whatever working environment I find myself in. I am an advocator and strong believer in social causes particularly in the need of having more Women in Tech.

If you would like to know more feel free to reach out to me @frances_s on Telegram!

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